Essential Tips to Get The Best Car Deals
Buying a car in Kenya is more of a necessity than a luxury. Whether it is a new or used car, owning a good car has many benefits. Think of the time you will save when you drive from home to work instead of relying on public transport, which at most times is utterly unreliable.
Think about the embarrassment of arriving for that important meeting covered in dust or, even worse, muddy and wet, during the rainy season. Just imagine the sheer fun of comfortably taking your family out without worrying about when or how you will get back home. These are enough reasons to get you thinking of owning a car.
Contrary to popular belief, owning a car is quite easy if you put your mind to it and follow these 10 simple steps;
1. What is your budget?
2. Identify the car type
3. Know the current price
4. Recruit a friend
5. Visit dealer showrooms
6. Attend car auctions
7. Join car groups
8. Visit websites about cars
9. Keep it up
10. Bid low & progress gradually
What is your budget?
Start by checking your account balance. How much do you have and how much of it are you ready to commit to buying a car? Apart from the money that you currently have with you, are you expecting more from other sources? Buying a car in Kenya is supposed to be fun, so it is always good to plan within your means and believe me, there is always a good car for your budget.
Identify the car type
Now, which make and model do you need or want? Is it a family car, for official engagements, or both? Are you mostly around towns where roads are good, or do you travel a lot out of town? These are some of the things you need to ask before you settle on the type of car to buy. This is also the time to choose your color shades, and it is good to have two or three color options.
Know the current price
Embark on a price-hunting tour for the model of your choice. Ask car dealers, other car owners, and even your friends who know about cars. Be alert for cars with on-sale stickers and call the numbers on display to inquire about prices. This will definitely give you the price range for the car you are looking for.
Recruit a friend
Let a friend or trusted friends know of your intention to buy a car. They will alert you if they hear or come across a car that is on sale or better still, one of your friends may be selling their car, and you can conveniently strike a deal. If one of your friends is a mechanic or knows the technical details of cars, then you’ve just landed free consultancy.
Visit dealer showrooms
Make a point to visit car dealer showrooms and yards to get a physical feel of the car you aspire to buy. Get to see the interiors, body, engine, and particular specifications like engine capacity, gears, wheel size, weight, and load capacity. Get to know as much as possible about the car, and the dealers are always willing to explain those details.

Attend car auctions
Never miss a car auction that is near you anytime you have the time. Many financial institutions regularly have these auctions at their premises or selected yards, and they always advertise them. Car auctions can give you an idea of how low you can bid for a car when you get to the actual purchase. Who knows, you may even get the car you are looking for at a very good price.
Join car groups
Register for car owners and car enthusiast groups on the various social media platforms available. Let the members know that you intend to join them later as a car owner. Ask as many questions as you can and always seek clarification where you do not understand, and keenly follow the debates of the members because you will need every bit of information when you acquire your car.
Visit websites about cars
Click on as many web pages about cars as you can. Read the reviews and watch the videos. Learn.
Keep it up
Sometimes it is not easy to land the perfect deal for the car you are looking for. Some negotiations do not go the way you want, and there may be disappointments or for some reason, meetings are canceled at the last minute. Do not give up, your deal is coming up and it will go through.
Bid low & progress gradually
I told you. The car of your dreams is right here, but wait, do not rush with your offer. You already know the market price for the car but do not rush in yet. Start with the lowest offer possible, then gradually progress upward till you agree on the price. Drive home a happy owner.
The bottom line is, that buying a car in Kenya is pure bliss if you follow this process.